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Christopher Drew Featured on Yahoo! News

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Christopher Drew, the founder of Drew Capital Group, was recently quoted in an article discussing the pandemic’s effect on personal finances.

Among events like the pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other world-shaking crises, the American economy has seen dramatic shifts over the past few years. It has many questioning how financial principles have been affected by the new state of reality.

Reporters turn to financial professionals like Chris Drew to answer questions about the state of the economy, personal finance and what you should do now. First and foremost, Drew believes it’s more important than ever to follow timeless money management principles, and to be cautious about spending at the moment. “Be more cautious about your spending habits due to the increase in inflation,” Drew said. Now may be the time to save for long-term goals and reassess priorities.

Other financial professionals and journalists agree, pointing out the importance of saving for the future rather than indulging in goods that only provide instant gratification.

The article also highlighted a change in life philosophy, with more Americans prioritizing family and experiences over possessions. That adjustment appears to have consumers managing their finances with more sentimental goals, focusing on making memories rather than the acquisition of material goods.

Drew outlined the importance of your relationship with your financial advisor. While advisors should always be reaching out and keeping clients in the loop like he does, it’s never a bad idea for clients to pick up the phone and inquire themselves, especially when markets are volatile.

“Because of economic factors affecting the market in today’s environment–such as interest rate hikes, the war between Russia and Ukraine, and a massive spike in inflation–we have had to make adjustments to portfolios along with asset allocation changes to help reduce the [impact of] overall volatility of the markets,” Drew said.

Picked up by multiple media outlets, you can read the entire article on Yahoo!, Yahoo! News, MSN, AOL and GoBankingRates.


If you have any questions about ways you can protect your finances from the impact of stock market volatility, please give us a call. You can reach Drew Capital Management in Tampa, Florida at (813) 820-0069.


This material is provided as a courtesy and for educational purposes only.  Please consult your investment professional, legal or tax advisor for specific information pertaining to your situation. Advisory services offered through Drew Capital Management, a Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC. Insurance products and services offered through Drew Capital Group. Advisory Services Network, LLC and Drew Capital Group are not affiliated.

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The CARES Act: 10 Things You Should Know

By News

The $2 trillion coronavirus economic stimulus bill is the single largest relief legislation in U.S. history, aimed at providing help for individuals and businesses affected by the outbreak. It was signed into law on March 27, 2020. The CARES Act is also known as “Phase III,” because it follows a $104 billion package passed March 18 for workers and families, and a smaller $8 billion bill to increase funding for medical treatments and testing. There is already talk of a fourth and fifth package in development in Congress.

Here’s what you should know:

  1. Direct Payments to Taxpayers

Americans are set to receive a one-time direct deposit^ of $1,200 estimated to occur mid-April, based on their most recent tax return on file with the IRS from 2018 or 2019^^. Joint tax filers will receive $2,400. Heads of household and joint filers with children will receive an additional $500 per child under age 17.

For individuals with incomes from $75,000 – $99,000, heads of household earning $112,500 – $146,500 and joint filers earning from $150,000 – $198,000, the payment is reduced by 5% ($50 for every $1000 in AGI), and will not be made for those earning more than that. Social Security recipients will receive their checks based on information from the Social Security Administration; they needn’t file tax returns to receive the money.

^Payments will be deposited to the last bank account used for IRS refunds and/or Social Security direct payments or mailed to the last known address. NOTE: Mailed checks may take up to 20 weeks or longer; the IRS can only process about 5 million per week; they are to provide a phone number for issues with payment addresses and bank account changes.

^^NOTE: The payment is based on anticipated 2020 income. If taxpayer income in 2018 or 2019 was too high to qualify, but meets thresholds in 2020, the payment will be made in 2021. If taxpayer income in 2018 or 2019 was low enough to qualify but turns out to be higher than thresholds for 2020, the taxpayer gets to keep the payment; there will be no claw-back.

  1. Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment benefits for those affected by the coronavirus will be increased to an additional $600 per week for four months on top of state benefits. Temporarily through July 31, under a measure called “Pandemic Unemployment Assistance,” this will also apply to self-employed, independent contractors and gig economy workers who typically aren’t allowed to file for unemployment. Regular state unemployment benefits will be extended beyond the normal 26 weeks and will be paid by the federal government through December 31 for those eligible who remain unemployed. Employers who reduce employee hours instead of laying off workers and employees with reduced hours can also receive up to 26 weeks of pro-rated benefits.

  1. 401(k) / 403(b) / Traditional IRA / Qualified Retirement Plan Loans

The loan limit from qualified retirement plans for workers who contract COVID-19 or are otherwise adversely affected is doubled to $100,000 without the 10% penalty for workers under the age of 59-1/2.  There is no mandated 20% withhold by the 401(k) administrator for taxes; income taxes will be due on the distribution amount spread over three years unless the taxpayer returns the money to the account over the three-year period.

  1. RMDs Suspended for 2020

Required Minimum Distributions are suspended for 2020 for retirees as well as heirs and/or beneficiaries; funds can stay invested without penalty. Voluntary distributions are still allowed, including tax-advantaged Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs).

  1. Student Loans / Mortgage Forbearance

Student loan payments will not be due and interest will not accrue on federal student loan debt (not private) through September 30, 2020, but voluntary payments can be made toward existing principal and interest. Temporarily through December 31, 2020, employers may pay for an employee’s student loan debt up to $5,250, excluding that amount from both the company’s income and the employee’s income, thus making it a desirable, income tax-free benefit.

Those with single family mortgages backed, insured and/or guaranteed by federal government agencies may be eligible to request 180 days of mortgage forbearance due to financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. Penalties, fees or extra interest during the forbearance period may not be assessed. This may be extended another 180 days at borrower’s request. The hardship must be documented by the loan servicer, and payments will be due later. With some forbearance programs, you may owe all of your missed payments at one time, or additional payments at the end of the mortgage might be required, so it’s important to be familiar with the final terms. If renting from an owner who has a federally backed mortgage, the CARES Act provides for a suspension or moratorium on evictions. More information here:

  1. Health Care Provisions

All coronavirus testing and potential vaccines for COVID-19 will be covered at no cost to patients. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Archer Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), and Healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are expanded permanently to include over-the-counter medications as well as menstrual care products. Medicare payments are being accelerated, and there is a 20% add-on payment for inpatient treatment as well as increased access to post-acute care. Medicaid scheduled reductions for low-income assistance are postponed through November 30, 2020. Physicians may receive increased payments if labor cost is determined to be below national average through December 1, 2020.

  1. Charitable Giving

Taxpayers may deduct up to $300 in charitable cash contributions to qualified charities if they don’t itemize for the 2020 tax year. On itemized returns, the limit of 60% of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) to qualified charities is removed for the year; a maximum of 100% of AGI can erase an individual’s tax liability for 2020 and any excess can be carried forward as a charitable contribution for up to five years.

  1. Employer Payroll Tax Delay

Employers may delay paying their portion of 2020 payroll taxes, paying back 50% in 2021 and 50% in 2022. A refundable payroll tax credit may be available for up to 50% of wages paid during the crisis for those who continue to pay employees, but whose businesses were fully or partially suspended due to a COVID-19 shut-down order, or whose gross receipts declined by more than 50% compared to the same quarter of the prior year.

  1. Small Business Loans and Credits / Paycheck Protection Program

A total of $349 billion is dedicated to preventing layoffs and business closures due to the outbreak, and the Treasury Secretary has committed to ask Congress for more should that amount be depleted.

Companies with 500 or fewer who maintain their payroll and who meet other criteria can receive up to eight weeks of cash-flow assistance, which can be forgiven when used for payroll costs, group health premiums, interest on mortgage obligations, rent and utilities. The debt forgiven will not be counted as taxable income to the company.

Size of loans can equal 250% of an employer’s average monthly payroll, up to a maximum of $10 million, with a maximum interest rate of 4%; loans are available through the more than 800 existing Small Business Administration-certified lenders plus more; some loans may be funded the same day. (Find lenders here: The first payment will be due after six months and the full loan will be due after two years. NOTE: Businesses with existing SBA loans will not have to pay principal, interest or fees on those loans for six months; the SBA will pay.

  1. Tax Changes for Businesses
  • Net operating loss rules are modified for losses arising in 2018, 2019 or 2020. The 80% rule is lifted, and losses can be carried back five years.
  • Excess loss limitation rules for pass-through entities are suspended.
  • Businesses who invested in Qualified Improvement Properties in 2018 and 2019 can receive tax refunds now.
  • Businesses (especially retail, restaurants and hotels) can immediately write off costs for improving facilities instead of having to depreciate improvements over 39 years. This provision corrects a typographical mistake in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
  • Companies can recover Alternative Minimum Tax credit refunds now.
  • The amount of interest expense that businesses can deduct on tax returns increases from 30% to 50% for 2019 and 2020.
  • Federally backed mortgage loans are prohibited from foreclosure for a 60-day period starting March 18, 2020.
  • Landlords are prohibited from taking legal action to recover possession of a rental property for nonpayment of rent for 120 days if their mortgages are backed by federal agencies or programs.


There is much, much more included in this 800-page piece of legislation. Please call us if you have questions, and we will keep you as up to date as possible as things change and clarifications come to light.

Contact Drew Financial Private Capital in Lutz, Florida at (813) 820-0069.





This information is provided as a courtesy and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, this is new legislation still being analyzed by experts. IRS clarifications will follow. Do not rely on this information or consider it as tax advice; obtain direct information about your individual situation from your CPA or tax professional.



References to J.W. Cole Advisors, Inc. (JWCA) are from prior registrations with that company. J.W. JWCA and Advisory Services Network, LLC are not affiliated entities.

Stock Market Volatility: It Helps to Look Backward

By Investing, News

Obviously, many of our clients are worried about the news, the headlines about coronavirus, and the drops in the stock market happening at the time of this writing.

As you know, our firm focuses a lot of attention on protecting your savings as you near retirement. But for some of our clients (depending on their unique circumstances), part of their portfolio—and/or part of their 401(k) or other retirement funds—are still subject to stock market risk. The reason for this is that based on historic return data: the stock market can offer the highest returns over time, and so might still be part of your overall retirement plan design.

The Stock Market Is a Long-Term Strategy

Some of our clients are all set with their retirement income plan, so their concerns are not for themselves. They are worried about their children and grandchildren, and how the stock market drops will hurt their loved ones’ finances.

We would like to remind everyone that it’s helpful to look backward.

The first market crash happened in Europe in 1634, when Dutch tulips bottomed out. (There’s a period movie called “Tulip Fever” that dramatized this one.) In the United States, the first major crash (and worst so far) happened in 1929. It took America 12 years to recover from the “Great Depression,” but we did recover, and went on to enjoy some of the greatest prosperity in our history.

But we’ve weathered more recent stock market collapses, too. Like the one in 1987 when “Black Monday” brought the largest single-day market loss in U.S. history. And there was the bust of 2000. And of course, the “Great Recession” of 2008.

The thing is, historically every eight years or so we have experienced some sort of market correction. We were well overdue for this current market volatility; it’s been 12 years of experiencing primarily a bull market since 2008. Our firm has been talking with our clients about the possibility of a market correction for the last four years; indeed, we’ve been planning for it.

We view the stock market as just one of the tools in your financial planning arsenal—the tool with the longest timeline. To quote Warren Buffett: “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”

In other words, although no one can predict the future, based on historic market performance your children and grandchildren probably have time to recover, and most likely, prosper. (This might even be a good time for them to pick up some bargains, depending on their circumstances.)

For you, if you do not have a retirement plan in place to help balance growth plus protection of your assets in volatile times, please call us. There are options to investing in the market.

Contact Drew Financial Private Capital in Florida toll free at 1.833.DREWCAP or 813.820.0069.




References to J.W. Cole Advisors, Inc. (JWCA) are from prior registrations with that company. J.W. JWCA and Advisory Services Network, LLC are not affiliated entities.

Christopher Drew Joins an Elite Group of Financial Professionals at Annexus NYC

By News

Exclusive Advisor Training Focused on New Retirement Solutions

 (Tampa, Florida) – Christopher Drew, President of Drew Financial Private Capital, attended Annexus NYC, a conference for elite financial professionals, to learn the newest advanced planning strategies. The invitation-only event, sponsored by independent retirement solution design leader Annexus, provided advisors with fresh insights and new tools to help clients grow and protect their retirement savings. The attendees engaged with some of the world’s largest investment banks and academic thought leaders, including Yale University Professor Emeritus Roger Ibbotson, one of the nation’s most influential experts in asset allocation.

“Traditionally, people nearing or in retirement seek to reduce risk by increasing their allocation to bonds, but today is different,” said Professor Ibbotson. “Today’s low interest rates and longer durations mean that investors may see negative bond returns going forward. Traditional thinking may no longer apply.”

“The financial markets are more complex than ever,” said Annexus Co-Founder Don Dady. “People choose their advisor to help them find solutions. Our goal is to provide advisors with innovative alternatives to help reduce exposure to market volatility, manage retirement risks, and prevent clients from outliving their retirement savings.”

Christopher Drew was one of just 100 elite professionals from across the nation invited to Annexus NYC. “The way Annexus has been able to bring Wall Street and Main Street together made this event truly unique in the industry,” said Drew. “Expert speakers addressed industry-level trends in index design and demonstrated how to eliminate downside risk, benefit from potential market growth, and guarantee lifetime income.”1

“Our program is designed to help already exceptional advisors become even better, said Annexus Co-Founder Ron Shurts. “We provide an unparalleled level of expertise designed around smarter strategies to help meet clients’ retirement goals. Annexus NYC helps elite advisors become even better equipped to serve their clients.”

Christopher Drew, a local financial professional who helps clients prepare for a more secure retirement, is with Drew Financial Private Capital located at 16021 N. Florida Ave, Lutz, FL 33549.16021

1 Guarantees and protections are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing carrier.

About Annexus
Annexus designs solutions to help Americans grow and protect their retirement savings.
For over a decade, Annexus has developed market-leading retirement-focused insurance products. Find out more about Annexus and its products at

References to J.W. Cole Advisors, Inc. (JWCA) are from prior registrations with that company. J.W. JWCA and Advisory Services Network, LLC are not affiliated entities.